Karen News Junta-aligned Karen armed groups manning junta checkpoints

The groups doing this are the Democratic Karen Benevolent Army (DKBA) Border Guard Force (BGF) under Bo Bi and the junta-aligned Karen (KNU/KNLA) Peace Council (KPC) who previously signed the Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement (NCA) with the Myanmar Army.

Fighters from both forces are backing up junta soldiers manning checkpoints and entrances and exits to various villages and towns in Karen State.

These include: the Than Lwin Bridge in Hpa-An, Myaing Ka Lay Toll Gate, Taung Kalay Village, Htilon Gate, Gyaing Bridge, Samanya Village, Eindu Toll Gate, Kyondoe Town, Police Station Junction, Koetaing Gate, Taung Kyarinn Bridge, Nabu Junction, Htilon Junction, Daw Lan Bridge, Myawaddy Iron Bridge, Myawaddy Vehicle Checkpoint, and Myawaddy Friendship Bridge.

A trader who travelled in Karen State from Myawaddy Town to Hpa-An town explained the increased security measures, saying: “Traveling for locals like us is not easy. We have to pay money just to get through. Even when crossing conflict zones, there are still dangers and you might get caught in the crossfire at any moment. Checkpoints have become more fortified, resembling military bases with barriers and bunkers. They are no longer just sandbag barriers and bamboo gates. The number of personnel has increased; it’s no longer just about 10 people, but entire teams now.”

A driver of a passenger vehicle said that in addition to heightened security there are more toll gates collecting money from travellers.

They said: “There has been an increase in barriers, security gates, vehicle checkpoints, and blockades at entry and exit points in areas such as Gyaing Bridge, Zar Tapyin Bridge, Samanya Village, and towns including Hpa-An, Hlaingbwe, Kyondoe, Kawkareik, and Myawaddy.

There has been an increase in the number of toll gates under the guise of security checks. It is a significant inconvenience for us [drivers].”

Karen Information Center (KIC) attempted to contact representatives of the DKBA BGF and the KPC to ask them about their increased collaboration with the junta, but, so far, they have received no reply.

There has been daily fighting in Karen State between the junta and the anti-junta Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) supported by other allied resistance forces in places such as Payathonzu Town and the townships of Hpapun, Kawkareik, Kyainseikgyi, and Myawaddy.

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