Karen News KNU Make Tactical Withdrawal from Myawaddy Township to Avoid Junta’s Trap

KNU spokesperson explained that, “After the KNLA -led resistance captured all the army bases in Myawaddy and then advanced to near the Friendship Bridge No. 2, they have made some tactical retreats since April 21st which has permitted the KNA (The Karen National Army) rebranded Border Guard Force (BGF), to re-occupy the base of the Junta’s 275th Battalion.

“Some of our troops arrived at the 275 military command,” junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun told AFP on Tuesday, referring to the previously vacated military base in Myawaddy.

KNU spokesperson Padoh Saw Taw Nee clarified their reasons for a tactical retreat. “The main reason is to steer clear of the trap laid by the Junta. KNLA had previously unleashed strong attacks on the remnants of the Junta troops from the 275th Infantry Battalion at Freedom Bridge no 2, yet after the Junta retaliated vigorously with airstrikes in Myawaddy for two consecutive days, KNLA decided to retreat out of concern for potential harm to the local population.”

The airstrikes had killed at least seven civilians and forced nearly 3,000 people to flee over the border into Thailand. On Monday, the KNU said clashes near the bridge had killed over 30 junta troops and wounded another 30, including 44th Division commander, Colonel Soe Min Thant.

At present the Junta is executing an operation dubbed Aung Zay Ya with a large force of reinforcements dispatched from Hpa- An to Karaweik with objective of recapturing all their camps near Myawaddy township.

According to the assessment of a Karen political analyst, “If the Junta accepts it will be very difficult for this convoy to ever reach Myawaddy because of KNLA ambushes along the way, it may seek mediation from the KNA (former BGF) to negotiate with KNU. When local resistance forces seized control of border trade posts along the Shan State- China frontier in the northern region, the Junta agreed to share profits 70-30 with them. It would not be surprising to see similar compromise in Myawaddy that would allow the Junta to regain nominal control over Freedom Bridge no1 and no 2. ”

KNU’s Padoh Saw Taw Nee also reiterated that the withdrawals were only temporary, and their resistance forces remain committed to defeating all junta forces in Myawaddy and ousting the Junta dictatorship.

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