Kawthoolei Union

Kawthoolei stands as the venerable threshold of the free Karen people, a term immortalized by our esteemed leader, Saw Ba U Gyi. Within its essence, “Kawthoolei” echoes the indomitable spirit of the Karen ethnicity, a resounding testament to our unwavering commitment to freedom and liberty.


For us, surrender is out of question

The recognition of the Karen State must be completed

We shall retain our arms

We shall decide our own political destiny

News & Updates

Karen Hilltribes Trust Do You Want to See a Different Side of Thailand? KHT’s Jungle Trek 2025

Join us in February 2025 for a unique journey with the Karen Hilltribe people! The...

Karen Hilltribes Trust A Happy Village and A Successful Volunteer Experience!

After 2 weeks of intense work and experiencing life in a Karen village, the Gordonstoun...

Karen News Former KNU Vice President Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein Passes Away

Born as the fourth of eight children to General Saw Tamla Baw, who was the...

Karen News Former KNU Vice President Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein Passes Away

Born as the fourth of eight children to General Saw Tamla Baw, who was the...

Karen News Former KNU Vice President Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein Passes Away

Born as the fourth of eight children to General Saw Tamla Baw, who was the...

Karen News Former KNU Vice President Padoh Naw Zipporah Sein Passes Away

Born as the fourth of eight children to General Saw Tamla Baw, who was the...

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