Kawthoolei Chronicles: Empowering the Karen Spirit for Freedom and Liberty

Welcome to the digital haven where the indomitable spirit of the Karen people finds its voice – a place where the echoes of Kawthoolei stand as a testament to our unwavering commitment to freedom, liberty, and the vibrant tapestry of the Karen ethnicity.


"At the heart of our existence lies the sacred mission to uphold the spirit of Kawthoolei, the venerable threshold of the free Karen people. Our journey is deeply rooted in the immortalized words of our revered leader, Saw Ba U Gyi, echoing the indomitable spirit of the Karen ethnicity. We stand united as guardians of freedom and liberty, committed to preserving the essence of Kawthoolei. Our mission transcends borders, weaving the tapestry of the Karen identity into the fabric of global consciousness. We strive to empower, uplift, and amplify the voices of the Karen people, fostering a world where their cultural richness is celebrated, and their rights are unequivocally respected.

About Us:

Welcome to the digital realm that encapsulates the heartbeat of our organization. Here, we invite you to explore the vibrant tapestry of the Karen people and witness the living legacy of Kawthoolei. Guided by the wisdom of Saw Ba U Gyi, we are more than an organization – we are the torchbearers of a profound cultural heritage. Our digital sanctuary is a gathering place where the Karen community and beyond can connect, engage, and share in the collective journey towards freedom. From the latest updates on Karen people and their homeland to a space for questions and answers, we are committed to transparency, inclusivity, and fostering a sense of belonging. As an organization, our actions are driven by the principles of justice, equality, and the unwavering pursuit of a world where every Karen individual is empowered to thrive. Join us in this meaningful journey, where the echoes of Kawthoolei resonate, and the flame of freedom burns brighter with each shared moment."

Chronology for Karens in Burma

Jan 1990

Add DescriptiThe Burmese army has captured one of the last jungle strongholds of the Karen guerrillas, forcing another 2000 civilians to flee into Thailand (Reuters, 01/26/90). One soldier and eight guerrillas were killed in the offensive.on Here

Apr 1990

Burmese troops, who have in the past year ousted Karen guerrillas from all but two major camps, are reported to be advancing toward the Karen headquarters at Manerplaw near the Thai border. Karen officials claimed 400 Burmese troops were killed in fighting during the second week of April, but said guerrilla casualties are few (Reuters, 04/23/90).

May 1990

A spokesman for the All Burma Students Democratic Front asserted that elections set for May should be boycotted because Rangoon's military government would keep its grip on power regardless of the results (Reuters, 05/15/90).

Nov 1990

A large group of Burmese opposition members and dissident monks are fleeing to the Thai border following an army crackdown in Mandalay. Troops have been ordered to intercept them. The politicians are thought to belong to the opposition National League for Democracy (NLD), many of whose members were detained last month when monks refused to minister to the religious needs of soldiers in Mandalay.

Mar 1991

A Burmese government report stated that a total of 818 rebels were killed in the past year, 279 were captured, and 115 surrendered. It also said troops seized 605 pounds of raw opium, 53 fishing trawlers, 696 mines and 603 detonators (The Associated Press, 03/25/91).

Apr 1991

A major Burmese offensive involving the use of artillery and air strikes against ethnic Karen guerrillas has captured 10 insurgent camps and left more than 100 soldiers dead, the official Rangoon TV reported (UPI, 04/04/91).

Oct 1991

The government indicates that its forces have killed 247 Karen rebels and captured 6 during fighting in October, while 17 soldiers and 18 policemen died (Reuters, 11/01/91).