Karen News BGF intensifies troop deployments in and around Kyondoe Town, and bridges, Karen State

A Kyondoe resident reported seeing about 20 individuals in black uniforms positioned covertly near the Chaung Phya Bridge at the town’s exit. He added that the BGF faction led by Bo Myat Hlaing and his brother Myint Aung have deployed additional troops in nearby areas like Chauk Taing, Yaybu Shit Taing, and Koe Taing, where they have also set up checkpoints and tightened inspections.

Additionally, a source close to the BGF reported that recruits at the BGF camp near the Gyaing River Bridge are undergoing daily military and weapons training.

“Bo Myat Hlaing’s BGF faction controls the entire Kyondoe-Kawkareik Road section, with BGF members stationed in every village in the area. Combatants from the Karen National Union/Karen National Liberation Army – Peace Council (KNU/KNLA-PC) are also deployed there. The junta has fully armed the BGF to counter the Karen National Union (KNU) and People’s Defense Force (PDF) forces. While the junta’s 545th and 546th battalions remain confined to their bases, not venturing outside, BGF troops are frequently seen moving in and out of those battalion bases,” the BGF source said.

The KIC has attempted to contact BGF officials regarding the increased deployment of forces in Kyondoe but has received no response.

Although there have been no junta airstrikes in Kyondoe and Kawkareik in recent days, the KNU has warned residents to remain vigilant after daily flights of reconnaissance planes, logistics planes, and fighter jets were observed between August 24 and 26.

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