Free Burma Rangers Loss of a Ranger: Mai Kyaw Nyain

Loss of a Ranger: Mai Kyaw Nyain

Shan State, Burma

10 July 2024

Dear friends,

We are sad to announce the death of our friend, Mai Kyaw Nyain. He leaves behind his wife and three daughters, ages 7, 5, and 2 years old.

Mai Kyaw Nyain joined FBR in 2012. He attended Ranger training in Kachin State through a satellite training, since it was too dangerous to come to our regular training location. His job on the team was video camera and he also helped with all the Good Life Club programs. According to David Eubank, “He was a joyful Good Life Club leader. He also helped organize logistics on all the missions we went on with him, always cheerfully doing his task and other people’s task if they forgot. We remember climbing up and down mountains with him for 19 days straight and he was always very helpful and kind. We miss him very much.”

Mai Kyaw Nyain has continued intermittent service as a Ranger since 2012 but also made the choice to serve his people as a soldier when he was not serving as a Ranger. He joined the Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) and held the position of battalion commander of two separate battalions when he died. He was killed, along with three other soldiers, by opposing forces on 5 July while on a mission with his military unit.

Mai Kyaw Nyain was respected by his comrades and died leading his men. It was an honor to have known him and we are deeply saddened by his loss. He gave his life in the fight for freedom and we are inspired by his courage, commitment, and willingness to sacrifice all.

Thank you for helping us honor our friend and comrade in the fight for a free Burma.

Please join us in prayer for Mai Kyaw Nyain’s family, that they would find comfort and hope in this dark time. Pray that his daughters would be cared for and would remember their father as a hero for his people. Please pray for his people, the Ta’ang, that they will find freedom from the political and spiritual forces that oppress them. Finally, please pray along with us for peace, forgiveness, and unity in Burma. They are the only way forward.

God bless you,

The Free Burma Rangers