Free Burma Rangers Eubank Summer Schedule

Eubank Summer Schedule

25 July 2024

Dear friends and family,

Thank you for your love, support, and prayers for our work in Burma, Iraq, Syria, Tajikistan/Afghanistan and Ukraine. We just came out of Burma and are now in the US to put our youngest son, Peter, into Texas A&M University in August. We will be in the US briefly this time, but hope we can see some of you.

This is our current schedule as we know it now: 

19-21 July: Washington State and mountain climbing with friends.

21-25 July: Diamond J Rodeo Camp near Oroville, WA – Sahale, Suu, and Peter will be helping serve, lead worship, and also compete.

26-27 July: Cody, Wyoming.

28 July: Streams of Life Church in Cody, Wyoming.

28 July -1 August: Sahale, Suu, and Peter will compete at the Cody Rodeo.

2 -6 August: Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado.

7-8 August: drive to Dallas.

9 -10 August: Peter will start his time at Texas A&M University and the Corps of Cadets.

10-15 August: visiting friends in New Hampshire.

16-20 August: Texas A&M University.

21 August: Dallas Bible Church in the afternoon and evening at the men’s barbecue.

22-28 August: Texas A&M University.

28 August: depart the US for either Ukraine or back to Thailand.

We will be back in the US in mid-October for our board meeting and will get more details on that but mostly that will be in Texas. Thank you so much for your love and prayers and all the ways you help us do this work. 

Thanks and God bless you, 

Dave, family, and FBR