KTWG | Karen Teacher Working Group Urgent Call to Action: Filling the Gap in Support for Kawthoolei Teachers’ Annual Subsidy for the 2024-2025 Academic Year

Brief Overview of the 2024-25 Funding Gap for Teacher Subsidies


11,231 Karen community teachers are preparing for the start of the 2024-2025 school

year. Unfortunately, we are facing a funding shortfall that could leave many teachers

without the stipends they and their families rely on.

Karen teachers are provided 12,000 Thai Baht (350 USD) per year. This barely meets

their basic living needs. We have secured 75% of the required funding but urgently

need the remaining 25% to ensure teachers can remain in their valued roles guiding

their students.

This gap in funding puts our teachers at risk at a time of economic and political crisis.

We appeal to all individuals and organizations to help us close this gap. Spiralling

inflation and increasing commodity prices are already a massive weight on their

shoulders. Your contribution will help ease a teachers’ financial burdens, allowing

them her focus on their classroom duties.

Supporting the Kawthoolei teacher subsidy is an investment in the well-being and

empowerment of our educators. By recognizing their invaluable contributions and

providing the support they need, we affirm our commitment to quality education in

Kawthoolei. Your generosity can make a lasting impact, inspiring these teachers to

continue making a difference in the lives of Karen children.

Together, we can build a brighter future through education and the empowerment of

teachers. Thank you for your support.


The post Urgent Call to Action: Filling the Gap in Support for Kawthoolei Teachers’ Annual Subsidy for the 2024-2025 Academic Year first appeared on KTWG | Karen Teacher Working Group.