Free Burma Rangers Giving Blood on the Front Lines: FBR Medics Provide Lifesaving Care 

Giving Blood on the Front Lines: FBR Medics Provide Lifesaving Care 

6 February 2024

Karenni State, Burma

**Graphic content warning 

Dear friends,

Thank you so much for all of your prayers and support. We are up in Karenni State, Burma, where there are daily attacks from the Burma Army. We were on our way with our team to do a Good Life Club program when we were asked by the local resistance for medical help. They were trying to block the Burma Army and protect the civilian population, as well as trying to push the Burma Army out of a threatening position they were in. The Burma Army regularly shells and calls airstrikes against the surrounding population from these positions. Many civilians have been killed here and all had to flee, leaving behind homes, farms, and dead loved ones. We prayed and agreed to help as we could. Part of our team went to do a program with the newly displaced people in that area while our medical team went to help as requested.

There was heavy fighting between the Burma Army and the resistance resulting in over 50 of our friends wounded and 18 killed. Under direct and indirect fire the medics provided lifesaving care. Braving machine gun and mortar fire, our stretcher teams carried the wounded out – having to move anywhere between two to four hours before we could get the patients to where we had established a small mobile clinic under a large rock. This is where our surgeon, Tom, and nurse, Sarah, and other FBR medics went to work giving immediate surgery. There were landmine victims along with multiple gunshot, mortar, and airstrike victims. Without the help of the medics and surgeon, Tom, there would have been at least 20 more dead. This was a very brutal and sad day, but we thank God for the medical team that helped many survive who otherwise would have died.

One of the key interventions was blood transfusions. One of our new medics, Victor, had brought blood transfusion kits, and our Ranger stretcher bearers volunteered to give blood which, along with the skills of the surgeon, helped many survive who would have otherwise died. We were able to get everybody out and sent to further care and then linked back up with a Good Life Club team who said they had a wonderful time with the families. Thank you all for praying. And as you pray for those that were wounded and for the displaced, please join us also in prayer for the Burma Army to change their hearts and the dictators to change as well and step down.

Thanks and God bless you,

Dave, family, and FBR

FBR medics create an emergency airway for a man shot in the throat.
Rangers carry wounded under fire.
Medics treat wounded at a casualty collection point.
Praying with the wounded.
Treating wounded on the move.
Medics triage casualties at mobile clinic under a big rock.
Senior FBR medic and JSMK leader Saw AB and team treat wounded.
Victor and medic working on patients.
Landmine victim.
Ranger giving blood to save others’ lives.
Surgeon Tom, nurse Sarah, and team does surgery for another landline victim.
Operations to save lives.