Free Burma Rangers Burma Army Puts More Civilians in Crosshairs After Recent Gains by the Resistance

Burma Army Puts More Civilians in Crosshairs After Recent Gains by the Resistance

11 March 2024

Pro-democracy forces across Burma have gained territory all across the country in recent months as they push the dictatorial Burma Army back, and Karen State is no exception. While these gains mark an advance in the push for a free Burma, they also bring more civilians into the crosshairs of the Burma Army. The Burma Army have used mortars, howitzers, artillery and airstrikes against civilians in an attempt to undermine the resistance forces. During the months of November and December alone, the Burma Army conducted at least 52 airstrikes and launched mortars or artillery against civilians at least 49 times.

In a three-day period from late October to early November, nine villages were targeted by mortars or airstrikes, forcing thousands from their homes, killing one, and injuring three.

After Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) and People’s Defense Forces (PDF) captured a camp belonging to Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion 599 on December 2, the Burma Army used jets in retaliatory airstrikes on the civilian population. All day, rockets and bombs pounded villages along the Kyaukkyi-Tantabin Road, wounding many, destroying homes, and displacing residents.

FBR teams on the ground estimate that over 13,000 people residing in the Kler Lwe Htoo District area have been displaced from attacks in November and December. These teams worked hard to help as many as they could, providing front-line evacuation, food, and medical care.

The events mentioned here include only reports from FBR teams in the field and are not a comprehensive tally of Burma Army attacks. A military event log from FBR teams is included at the end of this report.

Saw Thein Wah (45) was killed by a Burma Army mortar while on his way to tend his farm.

Yin Le church, which was heavily damaged by Burma Army airstrikes.

After airstrikes destroyed his home in Yin Le Village, a man works to put out the fire.

A man takes his 18-year-old daughter to a medical clinic after her foot was injured by Burma Army artillery.

A family mourns the loss of a woman killed by Burma Army airstrikes against Yin Dwein Gon Village.

A family takes shelter from airstrikes.

Two men who were captured and tortured to death by the Burma Army.

Food for IDPs provided by FBR teams.

FBR medics treat IDPs in Karen State.

A man holds his son who was injured by 155mm howitzer rounds launched by the Burma Army.

An IDP boy who was displaced from his home by Burma Army attacks.

Nov 2: Burma Army LIB 439 shelled heavy mortars and later used a helicopter, damaging a Buddhist temple, injuring one monk and one villager.

Nov 3: Burma Army LIB 307 shelled 122mm heavy mortars on Kin Mun Gyo, killing Saw Thein Wah (45) as he drove to harvest his crops.

Nov 3: Burma Army IB 264 shelled 155mm artillery and 120mm mortars into Aww Pa Lah, destroying crops.

Nov 4: Burma Army airstrikes and heavy mortars forced 3000 people from their homes in the Yin Le West area.

Nov 5: 60 Burma Army soldiers enter Kyi Bin Bauk.

Nov 8: Burma Army troops reinforce those based in Pyin Ma Pin and clashed with KNLA forces. Burma Army troops shelled 81mm mortars and 155mm artillery, killing one Karen soldier. Four Burma Army airstrikes also took place.

Nov 8: Two Burma Army aircraft launched airstrikes against Wet Tu, Thein Ga Pyu, and Mya Pa Go.

Nov 13: Burma Army LIB 598 launched 4 81mm mortars from Sa Lok Gyi at 12:10pm on 13/11/23. This killed one villager, U Min Neing (52), as he worked on his farm.

Nov 13: Burma Army LIB 307 shelled 120mm heavy mortars into Gway Gon village at 1631 on 13/11/23 injuring two people, Ma Yan Sa De (15) and Daw Ma Win (48).

Nov 14: Burma Army LIB439 launched 155mm artillery into A Nya Suu, hitting IDPs from Noh Gu, killing 1, Ko Sein Lwein Twin (30).

Nov 16: Burma Army jets launched 4 airstrikes around the Thae Gon area at 1430 and 2 more at 1640.

Nov 18: Burma Army airstrikes kill an IDP named Naw Paw Kin Twein (65). The jets made 7 runs from 1148 to 1400 hours.

Nov 18: Burma Army Airstrikes and artillery force 4809 people from the Kyauk Tan and In Ga Ne areas.

Nov 20: Burma Army jets airstrike the Ta Le Kin area from 1700-1800 hours.

Nov 22: At 1330 hours Burma Army jets rocket Yin Le village, burning down a storehouse owned by Saw Maung Pyu and a home owned by Saw Ko Min.

Nov 22: Burma Army jets airstrike Tha Min Aye Gon, burning down a home owned by Saw Pah Auk.

Nov 23: Burma Army jets airstrike Thaung Bu village, injuring 4 people.

Nov 24: At 2000 Burma Army LIB20 began launching mortars around the Gwein Gon area at 2300-2400 hours, hitting a family in the village. Three people were wounded: Daw Cho Nyeing (54), Ma K Pa Pa Win (18), and Maung Chit Chit (7).

Nov 25: At 1719 Burma Army jets airstrike Yin Dwein Gon village, killing one, Daw San May (60), and injuring 5 people: Daw Pya Win (60), Ko Pyu (35), U Htay Win (54), May Tha Zin (12) and Maung Maung (9). 8 houses were also damaged.

Nov 27: Burma Army (LIB 351 and LIB 598) shelling along with airstrikes forced 581 people from 4 villages into hiding. The villages are Toh Kay Pu, Klaw Thu Kee, Tee Kay Ko and La Ka Lah.

Nov 28: Burma Army LIB 264 shelled 81mm mortars into Cho Inn.

Nov 30: Burma Army helicopters attack Ban Laung, wounding two villagers.

Dec 2: At midnight on 2 December, KNLA and PDF forces capture Burma Army LIB 599 battalion at Toe Daw. The morning of 3 December, Burma Army Jets and Helicopters fire upon villages located on the road from Ta Kaut Pwa (Tat Kon) to Kaw Byin all day, wounding many and destroying homes.

Dec 2: KNLA forces capture LIB 590 headquarters.

Dec 2: Burma Army forces capture two villagers and torture them to death.

Dec 5: 4 Burma Army jets bomb Mone Township Headquarters, KNLA Battalion 8 Headquarters, and Company 3 outpost, killing 1 and destroying buildings.

Dec 6: Burma Army jets bomb Yin Le church, compldestroying it along with damaging nearby homes.

Dec 12: During a clash between KNLA and Burma Army forces, Burma Army rounds hit two villagers while they tended their rubber orchard.

Dec 13: Burma Army LIB 20 use 120mm artillery to shell Gwe Gon village, destroying a Buddhist temple.

Dec 13: FBR teams provide food for IDP’s who fled from west of the Sittaung River.

Dec 13: Burma Army LIB 264 shelled 120mm artillery into Taung Kin the evening of December 13 to the morning of December 14. They killed 2 villagers, Poe Hsit (75) and Day Wa (45), injured 3 more, Na Bay (51) and Saw Ta Doh (20), and destroyed 3 homes.

Dec 13: Burma Army LIB 20 use 120mm artillery to shell the Cho Inn area.

Dec 14: FBR teams provide food for IDPs who fled from west of the Sittaung River.

Dec 15: Burma Army dropped 155mm artillery into Kaw Tha Say.

Dec 15: FBR teams provide food and medical care for 350 IDPs displaced in Hsaw Hti township.

Dec 16: FBR teams provide food and medical care for 148 IDPs displaced in Hsaw Hti township.

Dec 16: Burma Army IB 264 shelled 122mm artillery into Cho Inn village.

Dec 24: Burma Army airstrikes target Toe Ta Dah, Thi Pa Yaw, Shwe Nga Pyu, Kyauk Tan and Pan In while BA LIB 20 shelled 122mm artillery and IB 264 used howitzers in the same area.

Dec 26: KNLA forces clash with Burma Army troops at Ka Nyut Gwein. Burma Army airstrikes in the area followed the clash.

Dec 27: Burma Army LIB 307 and LIB 439 launched 4 155mm howitzer rounds into Pyin Ma Pin village, killing 2 villagers and seriously injuring 3 more.

Dec 28: FBR teams provide medical care and food for IDPs hiding in the Hsaw Hti area.

Thank you and God Bless,

Free Burma Rangers