Free Burma Rangers Weekly Dispatch

WEEKLY DISPATCH | Sep 16, 2024 | Free Burma Rangers

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October 17, 2024


Rangers give KNDF soldiers lifesaving combat first-aid training.

Ranger Teams Provide Aid and Training to People on the Frontline

The Burma Army launched many attacks this week, most notably multiple air, landmine and mortar attacks in northern Karen State resulting in nine casualties. Rangers treated 463 patients in central Karen State, while teams in Karenni State provided lifesaving combat first-aid training to Karenni National Defense Force (KNDF) recruits.


 A mother and son injured by a Burma Army mortar are settled in a “bambulance” for travel. 

Burma Army airstrikes, drone bombs, and landmine attacks caused nine civilian casualties and destroyed multiple residences in Kler Lwe Htoo and Mu Traw districts.

From 6 to 11 Oct. in Kler Lwe Htoo District, the Burma Army attacked civilians and People’s Defense Force (PDF) soldiers with drone bombs and mortars, resulting in six casualties. At Nge Toe K, Mone Township, Burma Army Light Infantry Battalion (LIB) 307 used drone bombs to injure a 7-year-old boy and a 102-year-old man and destroy some houses. At Kyauk Tan, the Burma Army mortared PDF positions, resulting in two PDF casualties. At Nyaung Bin Gyi Ywa Ma, the Burma Army launched 120mm mortar rounds, injuring a mother and her 18-year-old son, who were evacuated for treatment. Rangers responded by documenting the conflict situation, aiding those who were injured, and provided rice, salt, and chili to 171 Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Wet La Daw in Ler Doh Township.

In Mu Traw District, Burma military jets struck multiple villages in Bu Tho Township with airstrikes while Burma Army landmines caused multiple resistance fighter casualties. From 10 to 12 Oct., the Burma military conducted airstrikes in Way Mo Village and in the Kaw Pu area, Bu Tho Township (there were no reports of casualties or damage). From 11 to 13 Oct., in the vicinity of Hpapun, a Karen resistance commander was killed as he tried to remove a Burma Army landmine. In another incident, one Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) soldier lost both of his legs and another soldier took shrapnel to his face from a landmine. 


Left: A Ranger medic checks the blood pressure of an IDP from Kyaut Ba Lue Village, Win Yae Township.

Right: Ranger medics treat IDPs in Kyat Chan Village, Win Yae Township.

Top: A Ranger medic checks the blood pressure of an IDP from Kyaut Ba Lue Village, Win Yae Township.

Bottom: Ranger medics treat IDPs in Kyat Chan Village, Win Yae Township.


In the past week, Ranger teams in Ah Nan Kwin provided medical assistance to IDPs and villagers affected by ongoing conflict in Win Yae Township. Despite challenging conditions due to the rainy season and damaged roads, they reached multiple communities to deliver essential healthcare services.

Between 8 and 13 Oct., Ranger teams treated a total of 463 patients, including both IDPs and villagers. Key visits included medical support in Kyaut Ba Lue and Kyat Chan villages. Patients faced various health issues, compounded by the lack of access to food and medicines due to the ongoing fighting. Notably, residents like Ko Tun Naing, who have been trying to avoid conflict for several months, reported difficulties in securing basic needs, including food and health care.

Burma military Y-12 aircraft bombed Noh Chue Nae, Pa Naw Khale Kee, Ah Nan Kwin, and Ta Nyin villages on 9 Oct., resulting in the death of one KNLA soldier and two houses destroyed. Additionally, on 10 Oct., FBR medics assisted an injured KNLA  soldier on the front lines, successfully providing care for a shoulder and arm injury caused by Burma Army fire. 


Left: KNDF recruits practice applying a tourniquet.

Right: Karenni Rangers supervise KNDF recruits practicing emergency tracheotomies.

Top: KNDF recruits practice applying a tourniquet.

Bottom: Karenni Rangers supervise KNDF recruits practicing emergency tracheotomies.


Karenni resistance soldiers captured a Burma Army outpost while Karenni Rangers saw to the medical needs of soldiers and IDPs.

On 12 Oct. at 0600, resistance forces, including elements of the Karenni Army (KA), KNDF, and Karenni National People’s Liberation Front (KNPLF), attacked the Htoo River Burma Army Camp, Pha Saung Township. Burma Army abandoned the camp at 1740, fleeing to Bawlake Township. Karenni Rangers supported KNDF medical needs this week by training 71 recruits in combat first-aid and providing the KNDF Central Health Department with five boxes of Oral Rehydration Solution. On 14 Oct., Rangers also served IDPs in Khar Bel Village, Ho Ya Township, by providing medical supplies and tarps.  


Syrian woman who urgently needed life-saving surgery. 

This week, FBR’s Middle East team had the privilege of helping a Syrian woman who urgently needed life-saving heart surgery. Surgeons successfully performed a double balloon angioplasty, stabilizing her condition. Our Syrian team visited the woman and her family at the hospital to provide support and cover the cost of the surgery.

During the visit, the woman’s daughter shared with us that she still treasures the Bible given to her by Karen Eubank during one of our previous visits. This is the same family we helped last year by funding eye surgery for the daughter. The continued bond with this family underscores the lasting relationships of love our work fosters. 

The family is thankful for FBR’s ongoing support, and we are honored to be part of their journey toward better health and hope.

See more of FBR’s work in the Middle East