Karen Hilltribes Trust How Does Livelihoods Training Help Farmers?

KHT’s team worked with a local livelihoods expert to provide training to support Karen farmers in the village of Ban Huay Ha Mai.

The theme of the session was requested by the villagers who wanted to know effective but natural ways to prevent insects in their fields, gardens and homes. They also shared local knowledge on what plants and naturally growing materials can support pesticide production.

About 20 people gathered to watch a demonstration with the preparation of the all the ingredients and the audience was asked to participate and learn through action. The villagers were informed that the mix must be left for 3 weeks before it can used and now they will be able to make their own and use for their agriculture. This will mean they do not need to buy expensive chemicals and they will not worry about their health when using the pesticides or consuming their crops. It will also be better for the environment and not lead to an overkill of insects that help protect the ecosystem, especially those that eat mosquitoes.

Whilst galangal, lemongrass, neem and molasses as great for food and beauty, they are also great for natural pesticide! The process involves choosing the right amounts of the herbs and decomposition assisting powder, a lot of mixing and then waiting and mixing for 3 weeks.

The mixture is then added to water in the correct ratio and sprayed on their fields every 4 days.

The villagers were very happy with the training and said they would like to know more natural ways to support their agriculture and also to re-learn Karen methods that have been replaced by the use of chemicals in the recent years.

This training is part of our integrated programme and KHT aims to support villagers in as many ways as possible to provide a foundation of empowerment and help them out of poverty and disadvantage. This is only possible thanks to the generosity of our donor that is supporting 3 integrated village projects.

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