Karen Hilltribes Trust Sunday in Ban Pa Khae

Ban Pa Khae is a village very close to the border with Myanmar. KHT worked in the village in May to provide them with a WASH system and during our time in the village, violence on the other side of the border caused an influx of refugees and insecurity. KHT was unable to start our irrigation project, however we returned this week to provide first aid kits.

KHT’s M&E Officer, Pim told us:

“We went to Ban Pa Khae on Sunday last week because Sunday is the only day the villagers do not go to farm. They all go to church together and dress in Karen clothing every Sunday.  

On the way from Khun Yuam to Ban Pha Khae, the road was very bad. In addition to the difficult route, we also had to cross a river. Additionally, sometimes there is no driveway. You must drive more than 200 meters towards the river. I can’t imagine in the peak of the rainy season, how the people in the village are able to travel. 

This village is a village right next to the Burmese border. Located in Mae Ki Subdistrict west that has a border with the country of the Union of Burma. This makes traveling quite difficult and dangerous. 

When we arrived at 09:00 in the morning, we went straight to the church, because it is the center of the villagers community life. Then we distributed a first aid kit per household to the villagers and explained how to use the medications and materials

KHT has found that many villagers often ask for paracetamol or bandages as they are unable to travel freely and access them at certain points in the year. These items are also expensive and many families are unable to keep them in their home for emergencies.

We all then took pictures together and we were invited to attend church with them. KHT’s team spent a month in the village, so it was nice to spend time and chat with the villagers once again.

The villagers were very happy and grateful that we had come to help. This village particularly has recently had an influx of refugees from Myanmar which has prevented them from farming rice this year due to the refugees living on the rice paddies. Just before the influx of refugees, we had supplied a water system and will soon be returning to build an irrigation system, which will majorly help them for the next harvest. There are many issues facing the Karen that many do not know about but KHT is there to work with communities and help however we can!”

The post Sunday in Ban Pa Khae appeared first on Karen Hilltribes Trust.