KTWG | Karen Teacher Working Group MTB-MLE team has successfully conducted MTB-MLE training for first-year students at South KTTC

The MTB-MLE team has successfully conducted MTB-MLE training for first-year students at South KTTC. A total of 71 students (22 males and 49 females) received the MTB-MLE training in the 4-day training program held from August 21st to 24th.

Throughout the training, various MTB-MLE tools were utilized, including:

Sequence Picture Story
Big busy picture
Listening Story
Song and Poem
Big Book
Experience Story
Story Book (small book)
Lesson Plan
MTB-MLE Teaching Manual

This comprehensive approach was intended to enhance the language and communication skills in Kawthoolei education. The training was a valuable opportunity for them to engage with these tools and strategies, furthering their understanding of MTB-MLE principles.

#MTBMLE #training #KTTC #August2023

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