Free Burma Rangers Loss of a Ranger: Ko Ko

Loss of a Ranger: Ko Ko

18 November 2023

Karenni State, Burma

Dear friends and family,

We are sorry to report the loss of another Ranger in Karenni State, Burma. Ko Ko was killed by Burma Army rifle fire last month on 18 November 2023, as he was providing assistance on the front lines. Ko Ko was in his second year as a Free Burma Ranger relief team member when he was cut down in the prime of life, serving others. Ko Ko was always smiling, even in training, and lifted all our spirits. He loved animals, and they loved him. He became close to all of us and this is a loss that goes very deep. We honor him and we will do our best to support his family. Ko Ko was a follower of Jesus and we look forward to seeing him in heaven. Until that day, we will grieve his loss along with his family and stand together. During the time of his loss, three more of our team were wounded, but all of them survived and are recovering.  Thank you so much for praying for him and his family, all the Rangers, and the people of Burma.

Thank you all for caring and God bless you,

Dave, family, and FBR

Ko Ko, our brother.

Laying Ko Ko to rest.

Praying and thanking God for Ko Ko.

Picture of Ko Ko and dog at his funeral.