Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO) Girl’s rights and protection challenges in Southeast Burma

On this International Day of the Girl Child, we bring your attention to the difficulties faced by girls in Kawthoolei (Karen State, Southeast Burma). Obstacles to growing up in peace, to securing food, to obtaining education, to accessing healthcare, and to attaining justice. The challenge for girls in Burma to remain children; sheltered in a safe environment where they can develop in a wholesome manner. On this 11th October, the Karen Women’s Organization (KWO) and the Karen Human Rights Group (KHRG) call the international community to take concrete action to end violence in Burma, which is harming all girl children in the country.

Please kindly see the full version of the statement in the English Language here


Please kindly see the full version of the statement in the Burmese Language here


The post Girl’s rights and protection challenges in Southeast Burma first appeared on Karen Women’s Organisation (KWO).